God is Love

God is Love

Love’s divine kiss,
has chosen you,
as the receiver,
to be its guardian.

Protected love has the ability,
to shower blessings of rain,
into a desert of drought,
making flowers grow,
out of nothing.

Love as the most powerful weapon,
is the foundation for many fruit,
for its soil is rich in Jesus,
and its strength flows from the Holy Spirit,
guiding you as your main messenger.

Love holds you close to His heart,
keeping you as a valuable treasure.
The look of love melts every eye,
overwhelms every soul with joy.

Love is the creator of possibilities,
an outstanding perseverance of strength,
with wings that never grow tired,
and a soul that never becomes weak.

God is love,
holding you,
in the palm of His hands,
where He whispers to your soul,
how much He loves you!

God is Love



The brightest light

The Brightest Light

The batteries of my flashlight are empty,
and the wood is too wet to make a fire.
The dry ground became muddy from the rain.
The slippery roads don’t hold my feet.
As the darkness is closing in, I shout,
“Can you hear me?
Can you help me?
Please, safe me”!
With a panic-stricken heart, I try to focus.
“Don’t panic”, I say, “God-child don’t lose your calmth”.
As I bring back the beatings of my heart to a normal pace,
I use my knowledge as my most powerful weapon.
And in the dark silent mud I whisper, “Love”.

The more I whisper the one word I know,
darkness retreats,
driven away by a beam of light.
Following the light to find its source,
the light has made a home in my heart,
where my deeds create the greatest beams,
and my thoughts drive away any kind of evil.

The Voice of Love and Light speaks to me,
“My child, in order to find the light in the darkness,
you only need to look inside your heart,
where I am.
Always present, giving strength, sharing wisdom.
Knowledge is your torch in the darkness,
your heart is the calmth in the rushing storm,
but love is your most powerful weapon,
for love is the brightest light that I can give you”.

The brightest light


Humility is the fruit of love

Humility is the fruit of Love

In endless spheres,
I am the Highest.
In a universe with many worlds,
only I am Truth.

My love covered the oceans,
My heart filled the entire earth.
Everything that lives,
I have created.
Everything that breathes,
is filled from My own lungs.

To put yourself above another,
is towering over My creation,
that you will never own.

Who has given life but Me?
Who has taken life but Me?
The only one who possesses life,
is the Only One who has conquered it.
So who is greater than life but Me?

You have thought,
that you could own the earth,
and now you try,
to take over the entire universe –
unsuccessful are your plans without love!

Unnoticed are the real problems in this world.
The hungry die of starvation,
the lonely die a lonely death,
but you have never noticed them,
you have never changed your plans.

Selfishness cannot heal a wounded soul,
nor feed the hungry in their need.
Selfishness establishes nothing,
whereas love can move every mountain.

Do not place yourself above Me!
Do not think yourself higher,
than anybody else.
Humility is the fruit of the Spirit.
Humility is the fruit of Love.

Humility is the fruit of love




Like a firefly I follow light,
to catch it with my heart,
I keep it safe and hold it tight,
so we will never be apart.

Like a firefly I hold the light,
to share it with the earth,
so day will never turn to night,
and light will give the living mirth.

Like a firefly I spread the light,
for every soul to see,
the Origin that makes it bright,
the Holy One that set me free.




Family is not genetic,
but defined by a bond,
that goes deeper than the heart.

 Family is friendship,
where souls connect in dimensions,
invisible for human eyes.

 A love for one another,
that transcends the mind,
as if all thoughts collapse,
and all your worries die.
Where strange is a normality,
weird the basis of your understanding,
and crazy the norm in your reality.

 Love is not a question,
but an answer to trust.
Where truth is a foundation,
a house build on love.
Where love is the beginning and the end,
and our acts the deeds we believe in.

Family is not a word,
No, it is a feeling,
an emotion,
our soul’s desire.
Family is the heart,
where we live and breathe in.


You know how much I love You

You know how much I love You

How can I describe my feelings?
How can I describe the contents of my heart?
When I look at You all logics fade,
and my heart pounds like that of an antelope,
who only just escaped a hungry lion.
The world disappears from my sight,
for my eyes can only perceive You –
nothing else matters to me but You.
If only You would know how much I love You!
My heart languishes for You,
in the brief moments when You are not with me,
I cannot exist without You by my side.
Still I know that I am one of many,
still I understand that I have to know my place.
But when You ask me,
if I love You more than others?
Then yes Lord, You know how much I do,
You know how much I love You!

You know how much I love You

A beacon in the night

A beacon in the night

In a hardened world,
a leopard better hunts alone,
if he wants food before the night falls.

How is it then,
that the leopard dies of hunger,
and the pride of lions eat their meal?

Together is better than alone,
for a multitude of eyes see more,
than one single set alone.

Once rejected,
it is difficult to find your way,
your place back in the pride.
But the victory is for those,
who don’t give up.

Remember that I AM,
always by your side.
I pave the way for the weak,
and I support the crushed in spirit.

Unable to snatch you,
out of my loving hands,
the flowers will never fall,
and the grass will never wither.

My love is your beacon in the night,
a lamp that shines before your feet,
and the embrace that holds you up.

Before the night falls,
the light will remove the darkness,
so that the night will never fall again.

A beacon in the night





Love is a heart on fire,
where passion colors the soul red.
Inextinguishable is the joy,
of a heart that knows how to love.

When Your hands hold me,
I feel safe enough to let my guard down.
Comfortable in my own skin
I play in a pool of  shallow water,
where amusement makes me sing.

Wherever I go,
You are with me.
Wherever I am,
You hold me tight.
Wherever I was,
is simply forgotten –
forgiven is the heart that lives in love.

You are my passion.

You are my anchor in the storm.

Your light guides me home.

Worship is simply a love song.




A Joined Combat

A Joined Combat

In a constant battle,
I fight only a temporary war,
for with You  beside me,
the burden is split in two,
lifting the heavy yoke,
from underneath,
my trembling shoulders.

Your unwavering gaze,
attaches my heart to Yours,
and in Your loving sight,
I am never left unattended.
The love that connects us,
is our only way to overcome,
this endless battle of obstructions.

The requested trust,
I lay it in Your open hands,
buried in the strength of Your heart,
Your love carries us to completion,
where eternity begins today,
and the victory,
will set me in Your glory.

A Joined Combat

A journey

A Journey

In every age,
I walk the steps,
of golden treasures,
and silver plates.
Every angle,
is a broken reality.
a brand new day.

When eyes see,
a crucified love.
is an escape.
A creek holds,
a thousand raindrops.
My heart,
over a million tears.

interrupts the emotions.
block the communication,
and speech is an impossible road.
The restriction is a feeling.
Your eyes,
a bottomless well,
in which I drown.

The seal on my lips,
cannot hide the lostness.
If my eyes had a sound,
they would scream.
But however I bounce on the door,
I threw away the key.
Now my heart,
lost the connection with my soul,
the key in pure oblivion.

The centuries of time,
swallowed the light-years,
yet not the memories.
In order to breathe,
I need to remember.
In order to live,
the Light has to heal my wings,
but the pain is unbearable.

If only I could speak.
If only I could feel.
The flood of words,
would equal my tears.
The tears would show,
my broken heart.
Your heart would catch my soul,
and I would finally find peace.

is my road.
My road,
is a path of love,
on which I will find you back.
Our love,
is my strength.
This life,
a journey.